The intriguing world of sidewalk delivery robots is evolving, and Starship Technologies is leading the charge as they just secured $90M in funding. Led by two previous backers—Plural and Iconical—Starship’s total funding has totaled $230M.
- Experience Pays Off: Starship, co-founded by Skype alums Ahti Heinla and Janus Friis, has become known in the delivery robot scene. Their robots have traveled 11 million miles and made 6 million deliveries, outmatching competitors.
- Eco-Friendly Approach: In operation across several countries, these robots are slashing carbon emissions by reducing conventional vehicular deliveries.
- Innovative Technology: With a 99% autonomy rate, the robots navigate tough terrains effortlessly and now feature wireless charging for greater efficiency.
- Funding Allocation: The influx of capital is set for Starship’s worldwide spread, meeting the surge in demand for convenient home deliveries. The new funds will also bolster the company’s delivery-as-a-service product, merging seamlessly with existing delivery infrastructure.
Despite a security hiccup at Oregon State University in October 2023, facing suspension after a bomb scare, Starship’s robots are becoming increasingly familiar on streets globally.